A Creative Conversation with Marivir Montebon: Reflecting on Art, Inspiration, and Mentorship

A Creative Conversation with Marivir Montebon: Reflecting on Art, Inspiration, and Mentorship

I recently had the pleasure of being a guest on "Conversations with MM," hosted by Filipino-American journalist Marivir Montebon. It was an absolute delight to share my journey, art inspirations, and aspirations for A Duck Amuck Art & Gifts in this engaging 30-minute conversation.

In this interview, we delved into a range of topics that have played a significant role in shaping my artistic career and my vision for A Duck Amuck. Here's a brief recap of our discussion:

Childhood Art Inspirations

We kicked off the interview by reminiscing about my childhood and the early art inspirations that ignited my passion for creativity, including gravitating toward the works of Filipino artist E.R. Tagle.

Goals for A Duck Amuck Art & Gifts

A Duck Amuck is not just a business; it's a labor of love. I shared my goals and aspirations for the company, emphasizing our commitment to delivering high-quality, unique art and gift products that resonate with our audience. We discussed how we continually strive to inspire and captivate through our product offerings, licensed artwork, and commissioned large-scale art projects.

Mentoring Fil-Am Youth Interested in Art

Nurturing the next generation of artists is something close to my heart. I spoke to Marivir about being open to mentoring emerging artists, including young Filipino-American talents who share a passion for art. It's incredibly rewarding to see these young artists develop their skills and find their creative voices.

Arts Programming at Likha Art Cafe

I also had the chance to talk about my involvement with arts programming at Likha Art Cafe in Hawthorne, New York. Likha Art Cafe is a creative hub that fosters artistic expression and community engagement. It's a place where art comes to life, and I'm thrilled to be part of this inspiring endeavor. By curating exhibitions, organizing events, and providing opportunities for artists to showcase their work, I hope to contribute to the cultural enrichment of the local Westchester community and beyond.

If you'd like to catch the full 30-minute conversation and learn more about my journey, my perspectives on art, and exciting projects ahead, you can watch the interview on YouTube.

I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Marivir Montebon for having me as a guest on "Conversations with MM." It was an enriching experience, and I hope our discussion inspired you as much as it inspired me.

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